Let’s get your workflows scheduled in Captain Data using Zapier! If you’re looking to automate tasks and streamline your processes, follow this step-by-step guide. It’s simple, flexible, and ensures smooth execution with fewer errors. 💪

What we’ll cover:

  1. Custom Request Setup using the POST method.
  2. Testing your setup to make sure everything’s working perfectly.

Setting Up a Custom Request (POST)

To send data to Captain Data via Zapier, using the Custom Request webhook step is the way to go. It allows you to send multiple key-value pairs in a more flexible way compared to the standard POST Webhook.

  • Method: POST
  • URL: Use the following structure to send the request:

The fastest way to find the Workflow ID is to look directly in your browser.

  1. Go to the API tab of your workflow and click View Body To Schedule.
  2. Copy/paste the data structure into Zapier.
  3. Modify the inputs if needed and change the job_name for clarity.

Data Setup

Regarding Basic Auth and Headers:

  • Basic Auth can be left blank, but make sure to include necessary headers.
  • You can find header information in the API Playground of your workflow.

Zapier Basic Auth

Running a Test

Once you’ve set everything up, it’s time to run a test and check if the data configuration was successful.

What to Look For:

  • If the test runs without errors, Captain Data has successfully received your request and launched the workflow.

Zapier Preview Test

  • You can double-check by going to the Rob History in Captain Data to see if the workflow has been initiated correctly.

🎉 And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can now automate the scheduling of workflows in Captain Data via Zapier with ease. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out—happy automating! ⚡