Ready to pull your job results from Captain Data and automate your workflow with Zapier? We’ve got you covered! With just a few simple steps, you’ll be retrieving data in no time.

What we’ll do:

  1. Set up a Webhook to catch job results automatically.
  2. Use a GET Request to fetch those results.
  3. Test it all to make sure it works smoothly.

Let’s dive in!👇

Setting Up a Webhook

First things first, let’s set up a webhook that will trigger when your Captain Data job is complete. Here’s how:

  • Choose the “Catch Hook” event in Zapier. This event will wait for the job data and trigger automatically when your job is done. No manual checking required! ✨
  • Go to the Test tab in Zapier. You’ll find a Webhook URL—copy that and paste it into your Captain Data workflow webhook configuration.

⚡ Now, you’re all set to receive your job results automatically!

Creating a GET Request

Now, let’s set up the GET request in Zapier to retrieve those results:{job_uid}/results

The Job UID can be found in the output from the webhook step. Make sure to select the correct value in the GET request step. This is crucial for fetching the right data!

Basic Auth and Headers:

  • You’ll find this information in the API Playground of your Captain Data workflow.
  • Basic Auth can stay empty. But Headers need to be filled in like this:

Zapier Basic Auth

Don’t forget to double-check your API keys and headers—this ensures that your request is authenticated and accurate!

Testing Your Setup

Ready to test it out? 🚀

  • Head over to the Test tab in Zapier. If everything’s set up correctly, you’ll see the results from your Captain Data job right there! 🎉
  • Now, you can send those results to your favorite apps—like your CRM, Google Sheets, or any other service you use to manage your data. 🌟

Zapier Preview Test

And that’s it! With just a few steps, you’ve now automated the process of fetching job results using Zapier. Happy automating! If you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out. 😊👨‍💻