Extract TripAdvisor Reviews
Collect customer reviews from companies listed on TripAdvisor.
The “Extract TripAdvisor Reviews” action allows you to gather customer feedback from various businesses listed on TripAdvisor, including restaurants, attractions, and hotels. This can be particularly useful for businesses looking to analyze customer sentiment or for researchers studying consumer behavior.
Input only compatible with URLs of types Restaurant, Attraction, and Hotel.
If you want to collect no reviews older than the given date per property.
Maximum number of items collected per property.
Collect the reviews of the past x days.
The language in which you want to extract reviews. Options include French, English, Italian, Russian, German, and All.
Output Fields
The output of this action includes a comprehensive set of fields that provide detailed information about each review.
Below is the JSON schema for the output fields:
This action provides a structured way to extract and analyze customer reviews, offering valuable insights into customer experiences and satisfaction.